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Fjerde Mosebog 3


King James Version

1 Dette er Arons og Moses' slægt, dengang Herren talte til Moses på Sinajs-bjerg.1 These also are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that the LORD spake with Moses in mount Sinai.
2 Dette er navnene på Arons sønner: Nadab, den førstefødte, Abihu, Eleazar og Itamar. 2 And these are the names of the sons of Aaron; Nadab the firstborn, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
3 Det var navnene på Arons sønner, de salvede præster, som blev indsat til at gøre præstetjeneste. 3 These are the names of the sons of Aaron, the priests which were anointed, whom he consecrated to minister in the priest's office.
4 Nadab og Abihu døde for Herren ansigt, fordi de frembar uhellig ild for Herrens ansigt i Sinajs ørken; de havde ingen sønner, men Eleazar og Itamar gjorde præstetjeneste under under tilsyn af deres far, Aron. 4 And Nadab and Abihu died before the LORD, when they offered strange fire before the LORD, in the wilderness of Sinai, and they had no children: and Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest's office in the sight of Aaron their father.
5 Herren talte til Moses og sagde: 5 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
6 "Lad Levis stamme træde frem, og fremstil dem for præsten Aron; de skal være i hans tjeneste. 6 Bring the tribe of Levi near, and present them before Aaron the priest, that they may minister unto him.
7 De skal varetage hans vagttjeneste foran Åbenbaringsteltet i tjeneste for hele menigheden, når de udfører arbejdet i boligen. 7 And they shall keep his charge, and the charge of the whole congregation before the tabernacle of the congregation, to do the service of the tabernacle.
8 De skal vogte alle genstandene i Åbenbaringsteltet i tjeneste for israelitterne, når de udfører arbejdet i boligen. 8 And they shall keep all the instruments of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the charge of the children of Israel, to do the service of the tabernacle.
9 Du skal overgive levitterne til Aron og hans sønner; blandt israelitterne skal netop de helt og holdent overgives til ham. 9 And thou shalt give the Levites unto Aaron and to his sons: they are wholly given unto him out of the children of Israel.
10 Aron og hans sønner skal du indsætte til at forrette præstetjeneste; men den uindviede, som kommer nær, skal lide døden." 10 And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall wait on their priest's office: and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
11 Herren talte til Moses og sagde: 11 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
12 "Jeg udtager levitterne af israelitternes midte i stedet for alt det første, der kommer ud af moderlivet hos israelitterne; levitterne skal tilhøre mig. 12 And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine;
13 For alle førstefødte er mine; dengang jeg dræbte alle førstefødte i Egypten, helligede jeg mig alle førstefødte i Israel, både mennesker og dyr; migtilhører de. Jeg er Herren!" 13 Because all the firstborn are mine; for on the day that I smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt I hallowed unto me all the firstborn in Israel, both man and beast: mine shall they be: I am the LORD.
14 Herren talte til Moses i Sinajs ørken og sagde: 14 And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, saying,
15 "Du skal holde mønstring over levitterne, fædrenehus for fædrenehus og slægt for slægt; alle af mandkøn fra en måned og opefter skal du mønstre." 15 Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them.
16 På Herrens befaling holdt Moses mønstring over dem, sådan som han havde fået befaling om. 16 And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD, as he was commanded.
17 Dette er Levis sønner med navns nævnelse: Gershon, Kehat og Merari. 17 And these were the sons of Levi by their names; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari.
18 Dette er navnene på Gershons sønner, slægt for slægt: Libni og Shim'i. 18 And these are the names of the sons of Gershon by their families; Libni, and Shimei.
19 Kehats sønner, slægt for slægt: Amram, Jis'har, Hebron og Uzziel. 19 And the sons of Kohath by their families; Amram, and Izehar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
20 Meraris sønner, slægt for slægt: Makli og Mushi. Det var Levis slægter, fædrenehus for fædrenehus. 20 And the sons of Merari by their families; Mahli, and Mushi. These are the families of the Levites according to the house of their fathers.
21 Fra Gershon stammer libnitternes og shim'itternes slægter. Det var gershonitternes slægter. 21 Of Gershon was the family of the Libnites, and the family of the Shimites: these are the families of the Gershonites.
22 De mønstrede, med opregning af alle af mandkøn fra en måned og opefter, udgjorde 7500. 22 Those that were numbered of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, even those that were numbered of them were seven thousand and five hundred.
23 Gershonitternes slægter var lejret bag boligen, på vestsiden. 23 The families of the Gershonites shall pitch behind the tabernacle westward.
24 Eljasaf, Laels søn, var overhoved for gershonitternes fædrenehus. 24 And the chief of the house of the father of the Gershonites shall be Eliasaph the son of Lael.
25 Gershonitternes tjeneste i Åbenbaringsteltet angik boligen, teltet, dets dække, forhænget for indgangen til Åbenbaringsteltet, 25 And the charge of the sons of Gershon in the tabernacle of the congregation shall be the tabernacle, and the tent, the covering thereof, and the hanging for the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
26 forgårdens omhæng og forhænget for indgangen til forgården, som omgiver boligen og alteret, samt bardunerne, med alt tilhørende arbejde. 26 And the hangings of the court, and the curtain for the door of the court, which is by the tabernacle, and by the altar round about, and the cords of it for all the service thereof.
27 Fra Kehat stammer amramitternes slægt, jis'haritternes slægt, hebronitternes slægt og uzzielitternes slægt. Det var kehatitternes slægter. 27 And of Kohath was the family of the Amramites, and the family of the Izeharites, and the family of the Hebronites, and the family of the Uzzielites: these are the families of the Kohathites.
28 Med opregning af alle af mandkøn fra en måned og opefter udgjorde de, der vogtede helligdommen, 8600. 28 In the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were eight thousand and six hundred, keeping the charge of the sanctuary.
29 Kehatitternes slægter var lejret på sydsiden af boligen. 29 The families of the sons of Kohath shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle southward.
30 Overhoved for fædrenehuset i kehatitternes slægter var Elisafan, Uzziels søn. 30 And the chief of the house of the father of the families of the Kohathites shall be Elizaphan the son of Uzziel.
31 Deres tjeneste angik arken, bordet, lysestagen, altrene, redskaberne, som man forretter tjenesten med i helligdommen, samt forhænget, med alt tilhørende arbejde. 31 And their charge shall be the ark, and the table, and the candlestick, and the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary wherewith they minister, and the hanging, and all the service thereof.
32 Levitternes øverste overhoved var Arons søn, præsten Eleazar; han var indsat over dem, der vogtede helligdommen. 32 And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be chief over the chief of the Levites, and have the oversight of them that keep the charge of the sanctuary.
33 Fra Merari stammer maklitternes slægt og mushitternes slægt. Det var meraritternes slægter. 33 Of Merari was the family of the Mahlites, and the family of the Mushites: these are the families of Merari.
34 De mønstrede, med opregning af alle af mandkøn fra en måned og opefter, udgjorde 6200. 34 And those that were numbered of them, according to the number of all the males, from a month old and upward, were six thousand and two hundred.
35 Overhoved for fædrenehuset i meraritternes slægter var Suriel, Abikajils søn. De var lejret på nordsiden af boligen. 35 And the chief of the house of the father of the families of Merari was Zuriel the son of Abihail: these shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle northward.
36 Meraritterne var indsat til tjeneste med boligens planker, dens tværlægter, stolper, fodstykker og alle redskaberne til den med alt tilhørende arbejde, 36 And under the custody and charge of the sons of Merari shall be the boards of the tabernacle, and the bars thereof, and the pillars thereof, and the sockets thereof, and all the vessels thereof, and all that serveth thereto,
37 endvidere forgårdens stolper hele vejen rundt med deres fodstykker, pløkke og barduner. 37 And the pillars of the court round about, and their sockets, and their pins, and their cords.
38 På østsiden af boligen, foran Åbenbaringsteltet, var Moses og Aron og hans sønner lejret. De skulle vogte helligdommen i tjeneste for israelitterne; den uindviede, der kom nær, skulle lide døden. 38 But those that encamp before the tabernacle toward the east, even before the tabernacle of the congregation eastward, shall be Moses, and Aaron and his sons, keeping the charge of the sanctuary for the charge of the children of Israel; and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
39 Alle de levitter, som Moses og Aron på Herrens befaling holdt mønstring over, slægt for slægt, alle af mandkøn fra en måned og opefter, udgjorde 22.000. 39 All that were numbered of the Levites, which Moses and Aaron numbered at the commandment of the LORD, throughout their families, all the males from a month old and upward, were twenty and two thousand.
40 Herren sagde til Moses: "Du skal mønstre alle førstefødte af mandkøn blandt israelitterne fra en måned og opefter og holde mandtal over dem. 40 And the LORD said unto Moses, Number all the firstborn of the males of the children of Israel from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names.
41 Du skal udtage levitterne til mig ? jeg er Herren! ? i stedet for alle førstefødte blandt israelitterne, og levitternes dyr i stedet for alle førstefødte blandt israelitternes dyr." 41 And thou shalt take the Levites for me (I am the LORD) instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel; and the cattle of the Levites instead of all the firstlings among the cattle of the children of Israel.
42 Moses holdt mønstring over alle førstefødte blandt israelitterne, sådan som Herren havde befalet ham, 42 And Moses numbered, as the LORD commanded him, all the firstborn among the children of Israel.
43 og da alle førstefødte af mandkøn fra en måned og opefter var blevet mønstret med opregning af navnene på dem, udgjorde de 22.273. 43 And all the firstborn males by the number of names, from a month old and upward, of those that were numbered of them, were twenty and two thousand two hundred and threescore and thirteen.
44 Herren talte til Moses og sagde: 44 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
45 "Udtag levitterne i stedet for alle førstefødte blandt israelitterne, og udtag levitternes dyr i stedet for israelitternes dyr. Levitterne skal tilhøre mig. Jeg er Herren! 45 Take the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites instead of their cattle; and the Levites shall be mine: I am the LORD.
46 Til frikøb af de 273 af israelitternes førstefødte, som overstiger levitternes antal, 46 And for those that are to be redeemed of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are more than the Levites;
47 skal du tage fem sekel for hver person; du skal tage dem efter helligdommens vægt; en sekel er tyve gera. 47 Thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by the poll, after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them: (the shekel is twenty gerahs:)
48 Pengene skal du give Aron og hans sønner til frikøb af de overskydende." 48 And thou shalt give the money, wherewith the odd number of them is to be redeemed, unto Aaron and to his sons.
49 Moses tog frikøbspengene for dem, der oversteg antallet af dem, der var frikøbt ved levitterne. 49 And Moses took the redemption money of them that were over and above them that were redeemed by the Levites:
50 Han tog pengene fra israelitternes førstefødte, 1365 sekel efter helligdommens vægt. 50 Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the money; a thousand three hundred and threescore and five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary:
51 På Herrens befaling gav Moses frikøbspengene til Aron og hans sønner, sådan som Herren havde befalet Moses. 51 And Moses gave the money of them that were redeemed unto Aaron and to his sons, according to the word of the LORD, as the LORD commanded Moses.
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